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Tragically, Saudi Arabian Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef Dies in Prison

RIYADH - Saudi Arabia's former Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, who was detained on orders from Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman since March 2020, has died in prison.

"Opponents of the Saudi government abroad have claimed the death of former Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef in prison," the Saudileaks website reported, reported by Fars News on November 22, 2021.

"Bin Nayef has died in prison since a few days ago and the Saudi royal court has not announced his death and his body is in the morgue," Saudileaks said on their social media page.

Saudi opposition figure Abdul Rahman Razi al-Sahimi in a post on his twitter page asked Mohammed bin Salman to release a recording of Mohammed bin Nayef's presence in prison with audio, video and exact date to prove that he is still alive.

Al-Sahimi stressed that the video must not be fake.

Earlier this year, Arab media sources reported that Mohammed bin Nayef was in critical condition and near death.

The Arabic-language al-Ahd al-Jadid twitter account quoted a source as saying in July that Mohammed bin Nayef had severe diabetes and had not received any treatment, and this caused him to lose nearly 22 kilograms of weight.

“He also suffered from severe depression and mental disorders,” he explained, noting that bin Nayef had been severely tortured, his legs were tied, two agents had beaten him so that he had bruises all over his body.

Bin Nayef was also deprived of sleep and left alone. His hands and feet were bound and blindfolded for several days.

"Bin Nayef actually experienced a gradual death and his aim was to make his death look natural," wrote al-Ahd al-Jadid.

He added that Bin Nayef was in critical condition and it was possible that his death would be imminent if he did not receive medical assistance.

Bin Nayef, 62, is Saudi Arabia's former crown prince and interior minister.

After surviving four assassination attempts, he was arrested in March 2020 by bin Salman as the de facto Saudi leader also known as MBS moved to consolidate power and remove rivals.

Bin Nayef was detained without charge. Sources familiar with the matter told NBC News in late June 2020 that there was evidence that bin Nayef was detained recently at the government compound next to al-Yamamah Palace in Riyadh, the official office of the Saudi royal court, just a few hundred meters from where MBS was hosting him. foreign officials.

Two people familiar with the situation, who requested anonymity to avoid repercussions for bin Nayef, said he had lost more than 50 pounds and could no longer walk unaided.

"He suffered serious injuries to his legs as a result of the beatings," the two sources said, adding that painkillers for the wounds had not previously been given to the former crown prince.

"(He) was not allowed out and restricted in his own territory," said one of the sources.

The source added, "During the day, he saw no one and was not allowed access to his private doctors or legal representatives."