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Myanmar military attacks rebels by air on Thai border


PERMATA POSTS Kind - Myanmar's military resumed air strikes in rebel-held areas near the Thai border on Friday. The escalation in violence caused hundreds of Myanmar residents to flee Thailand.

The Karen National Union (KNU) said the military launched at least two air strikes. The military also fired several artillery pieces into controlled areas near the Thailand-Myanmar border on Thursday night.

A Reuters reporter in Mae Sot, a Thai border town, reported hearing multiple explosions late Thursday at around 11 p.m. When confirmed, a spokesman for Myanmar's military junta did not answer the call.

Myanmar has been in turmoil since the military toppled the civilian government led by Aung San Suu Kyi on February 1. The military coup sparked protests and sporadic clashes in the countryside between the anti-junta militia and the army.

Fresh fighting between the Myanmar military and KNU broke out last week. According to Thailand's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, more than 4,200 people have crossed into Thailand since the violence began. Civil society groups say the number of refugees stands at 10,000.