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Polish couple dies in car crash


Martina and Bartosz hit a truck

There was supposed to be a wedding, but now there's a funeral: Martina and Bartosz want to get married on September 1, and Poles have long dreamed of their special day. But this dream dies with them in seconds – because they died the day before their wedding in a serious car accident.

"Every loss is painful, but this loss is hard to accept!"

Just a few minutes ago they were making the final preparations for their big day at the start of their wedding and were already on their way home – when they suddenly hit a truck on the road between Odolanów and Ostrzeszów. The 26-year-old woman and her 32-year-old fiancé died instantly.

The incident and the wedding were immediately annulled. Family, friends and co-workers believe in a partner. His colleague, Tomas Naberaka, wrote on the website of Adam Mickiewicz University in Pozna: “Every loss is painful, but very difficult to accept. Bartosz is a talented and energetic young man and life opens up for him.” Bartosz is an assistant professor of rural geography there.

Burying the bride and groom in a mass grave

On September 4, the two were buried in a mass grave in Nidwidz, northwestern Poland. His friends and family accompanied him on his final journey, which a few days ago had to be the start of a new life together.