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Alice Sebold apologizes to the man who was jailed for 16 years even though he didn't rape her


WASHINGTON - Alice Sebold, the author of the novel "The Lovely Bones," has apologized to Anthony Broadwater, a man who has been jailed for 16 years on charges of raping her. The man has been released and was found not guilty.

Sebold apologized to Broadwater on Tuesday (30/11/2021) United States (US) time. The famous US novelist was raped in 1981, but was wrong to accuse Broadwater of following a flawed legal system.

The woman admits to struggling with the role she unwittingly plays in a system that sends innocent people to prison.

Broadwater, 68, was convicted in 1982 of raping Sebold, 58. He served 16 years in prison and was released in 1999.

However, his guilty verdict was overturned by a court last week after authorities discovered serious flaws in his arrest and trial.

Sebold based his memoir on 1999; "Lucky", on her rape when she was a student at Syracuse University.

In a statement to The Associated Press (AP), which was later posted on Medium, Sebold apologized to Broadwater for a sentence he should not have served.

She wrote that as a traumatized 18-year-old rape victim, she chose to put her trust in the legal system.

"My goal in 1982 was justice—not to perpetuate injustice," he said.

"And certainly not forever, and irreparably, changing the life of a young man with a crime that has changed my life."

In a written statement Tuesday, publishing companies Scribner and Simon & Schuster said distribution of "Lucky" in all its formats would be discontinued. Meanwhile Sebold and Scribner together considered how the work could be revised.

"This decision was made following the release of Broadwater and in consultation with Sebold," the publishing company said in a statement.

Sebold wrote in "Lucky" that she was raped and months later, she saw a black man walking down the street who she believed was the one who assaulted her.

Sebold, who is white, reported his experience to the police. An officer stated that the man was Broadwater, who was allegedly seen in the area.

Sebold failed to identify Broadwater in police ranks after he was arrested. She wrote in "Lucky" that she chose different men based on the "expression in her eyes".

Broadwater was tried and convicted regardless of the guilt of the legal system. Sebold identified him as his rapist on the witness stand, and an expert said microscopic hair analysis linked him to the attack. The analysis used in the 1982 case has been dismissed as "junk science" by the Department of Justice.

Broadwater told the AP that he had "cry tears of joy and relief" since his release.

Sebold said in his statement: "I am grateful that Broadwater was finally vindicated, but the fact remains that 40 years ago, he was another black young man persecuted by our flawed legal system. I will forever regret what was done to him."

Sebold said he was also grappling with the fact that his rapists would never be found out and may have attacked other women.

Broadwater, which has not publicly responded to Sebold's apology, remained registered as a sex offender in New York after he was released from prison in 1999.

Sebold said he will remain sorry for the rest of his life while pursuing justice through the legal system has put the innocent Broadwater behind bars.

"He has served not only 16 years behind bars but in a way that further injures and stigmatizes, almost a life sentence," he said.