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Incredible accident in New York – a man falls from the ninth floor in a BMW – Foreign news


BMW saved his life… - In Jersey City (US state of New Jersey), a 31-year-old man with a guardian angel fell nine times from a skyscraper, crashed into the roof of a black BMW 330i – and survived.

Several eyewitnesses witnessed the accident which occurred on Wednesday at 10:20 am local time. And they couldn't really believe what happened after the fall: the man stood with his right hand dangling to the side and asked, "What happened?" – This is how eyewitness Christina Smith (21) described it to the “New York Post“.

The man fell from the ninth floor of this skyscraper Photo: Kevin C. Downs

“The rear window of the car broke and exploded. Then the man jumped up and started screaming. Smith is quoted as saying his arm was twisted. “I thought, “Oh my God!” I was shocked. It was like being in a movie.”

The young woman called 911. The ambulance took the man to the hospital. According to a Jersey City spokesman, the 31-year-old remains in critical condition until Thursday.

According to initial investigations, the man did not work in the building and it was not clear why he was there. According to police, he refused to reveal his name, and according to the New York Post, he was uncooperative.

After falling from a distance of about 30 meters, the man was there and waiting for an ambulance. Photo: Christinaabri_

After the collision, the person who tried to persuade him shouted: "You don't know how hurt you are." The man replied, “Leave me alone.” He is also said to have said, "I want to die."

Police now want to clarify whether the fall was actually a suicide attempt or a life-threatening accident. In addition, the man should receive psychological help.

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As a general rule, BILD does not report suicide to avoid creating an incentive to imitate – except to get special attention due to circumstances. If you are depressed yourself or have suicidal thoughts, please contact telephone counseling immediately.