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Widow of 3 Children Kidnapped and Rape, Perpetrator of Ex-Husband


The kidnapping and rape incident was experienced by a widow with the initials SM (37) a resident of North Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi. Not just once, but this incident has been carried out twice by the perpetrator until the victim reported it to the police. The perpetrator was none other than the victim's ex-husband with the initials IR (56).

The perpetrator and four of his friends kidnapped the victim and then took her to a place in East Luwu Regency.

There, the victim was raped and intimidated. Even the reason for the rape is that the two of them reconcile after three years of divorce for the sake of their three children.

"So this victim sells vegetables using a motorbike. Then they were intercepted by the perpetrators and taken by car. After that, the victim was taken to a hut and raped by IR, who is her ex-husband," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for North Luwu Police, AKP Amri, Thursday (16/9/2021).

After receiving the victim's report, the Luwu Utara Police moved quickly to arrest the two perpetrators. They are IR and his partner AT. During the arrest, the police were forced to incapacitate IR with a shot in the leg because he tried to fight back during the development of the case.

“We arrested the perpetrators because they have the potential to commit other criminal acts. He has often done domestic violence to the victim," he said.

Currently, the police are still pursuing the three co-accusedists whose identities have been pocketed. As a result of this incident, the widow of three children is now traumatized and needs time to recover.

For his actions, the perpetrators of IR were charged with multiple articles. He is subject to Articles 33 and 285 with a threat of 12 years in prison. Meanwhile, his colleague AT was charged with Article 33 in conjunction with Article 55 with a threat of 8 years in prison.