You Won't Look Smart If You Call Others Stupid
"Who are you to say that person is stupid?"
Are you as smart as "Albert Einstein" or are you as successful as the man who was crowned the richest in the world.
First, everyone has different skills. It could be that you are good at math, and he doesn't know as much as you at math, but don't think he's an idiot. Because the person you think is stupid is better at speaking English than you. Wouldn't it be better if you teach him Math and he teaches you English, than you yell at his weaknesses.
Second, there are times when you will get a turn. Whether in the world of work or in the campus environment, you will surely find people who are arrogant, selfish, or stubborn. It could be that today you have embarrassed other people with his words, but tomorrow no one will ever know, maybe it's your turn.
Third, learn to be more mature in looking at a problem. Do not measure a person's maturity based on his age, try to see his attitude and behavior, as well as you. If you don't want to be judged or judged badly by someone, then you must also learn to look at things objectively and never look at other people with one eye.