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Moms!Beware of "Mirror Syndrome" during Pregnancy


Pregnancy is a very awaited moment. Moreover, if it is your first pregnancy, you will definitely be very careful of the many pregnancy disorders that must be known early on. For mothers who are planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to understand what is called 'Mirror Syndrome'. Mirror Syndrome is a condition when pregnant women and their unborn babies experience swelling caused by fluid buildup. In medical terms, this disease is also called "Ballantyne Syndrome or Triple Edema".

Launching from the pages of the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, cases of Mirror Syndrome are rare, but researchers believe that it is caused by "hydrops fetalis" details which are characterized by fluid leaking from the bloodstream and building up into tissues. fetus. This is what causes pregnant women to experience preeclampsia, which is a condition of high blood pressure.

Hydrops fetalis is a pathological condition in which there is a buildup of fluid in the soft tissue and serous cavities of the fetus, where there is 2 abnormal fluid accumulation in the fetus. Hydrops fetalis is a serious case in the fetus and has a poor prognosis.

Symptoms of mirror syndrome to watch out for. Especially for moms who are planning to get pregnant. Regularly consult a doctor, plus if you feel certain conditions that make the mother less comfortable.

Here are some things to watch out for during pregnancy;

  • High blood pressure
  • Severe swelling
  • Excessive weight gain in a short time
  • Presence of protein in urine
In addition, the symptoms of Mirror Syndrome are also known by the presence of hemodilution found when doing a blood test. Hemidilution occurs when there is more plasma and less red blood cells. This condition is usually caused by fetal hydrops or fluid buildup in the fetus that eventually spreads around the heart.

Hemodilution is considered a physiological adjustment in pregnancy and is beneficial in women to relieve the burden of the heart which has to work harder during pregnancy because as a result of hypervolemia so that cardiac output increases.

In dealing with Mirror Syndrome is different, will be seen from the situation. If caused by Fetal Hydrop, it can be treated in the womb and can be cured from the mother and baby in the rest of their pregnancy. However, if this Mirror Syndrome comes from pregnant women who experience 'Preeclampsia', then delivery must be done immediately so that the symptoms will disappear within a few days after delivery.

Preeclampsia is a condition of increased blood pressure accompanied by the presence of protein in the urine. This condition occurs after the gestational age of more than 20 weeks.

Causes of Mirror Syndrome. Although it is not known with certainty, it is often caused by Fetal Hydrops.

Fetal hydrops is a condition in which fluid leaves the bloodstream and builds up in fetal tissues. This condition can be caused by many things and depends on the type of fetal hydrops. However, it is more common to arise from complications that interfere with the natural ability of the fetus to regulate fluids. These complications can include infections, genetic syndromes, heart problems to metabolic disorders.

Mirror Syndrome is a rare disease also dubbed triple edema and Ballantyne Syndrome. Mirror syndrome occurs when a pregnant woman (pregnant) has preeclampsia and the fetus has excess fluid.

In general, these cases are very rare. But mothers also need to be aware of the symptoms and what causes mirror syndrome.

Reporting from the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine page, there are several factors that can provide good results for patients, such as timely diagnosis, good cooperation between obstetric team members and optimal care when pregnant. When everything is done quickly, it will get optimal healing.

Mothers who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant should always consult a doctor. This is to anticipate the occurrence of abnormalities so that it can be done quickly and minimize the occurrence of things that are not desirable.