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US Soldier Who Suicide Suicide Since the Result of War 9/11 Events That Touched More Than 30,000 Lives.


The latest research published on the Digital Costs of War website recently was quite astonishing. It turns out that there are still many US soldiers who died by suicide. The number is even very much more than those who died in war.

Digital Costs of War in his research states that so far there are about 30,000 more soldiers killed by suicide. That's four times more than those killed in the September 11 attacks that claimed the lives of 7,057 soldiers in the World Trade Center incident in New York, nearly two decades ago.

The attack marked the beginning of the US war on terrorism in any "dark corner of the world". The position maintained by President George W. Bush when launching his military campaign against al-Qaeda by invading Afghanistan in 2001 and then Iraq in 2003 together with their allies such as the UK.

The high prevalence of suicides by soldiers has attested to a wider mental health crisis.

"The rate of increase in that respect exceeds that of the general population, a worrying change, as suicide rates among active duty service members have historically been lower," the study said.

The study revealed that the inherent risk of fighting in any war, high exposure to trauma, stress, culture and military training, constant access to weapons and difficulty reintegrating into civilian life are some of the factors influencing the high indicator.

The study then concluded that a combination of multiple traumatic exposures, chronic pain, and long-lasting physical injury was associated with suicidal behavior.

"In addition, a long war prolongation generally keeps troops on the ground longer, providing more opportunities for traumatic exposure," he said.

The cost of war incurred by the US after the events of 9/11 also recorded a very fantastic number. The amount exceeds 6.4 trillion US dollars, in addition to the high costs that are accompanied by violations of human rights and civil liberties. On the other hand, more than 38 million people in the world suffer from the status of refugees and displaced persons as a result of the conflict.

Analysts also warn that the United States has more than 750 military bases planted in about 80 countries on all continents, which to some extent will continue Washington's version of the eternal war.