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This is how to boil eggs so that the yolk is outside

Everyone must have eaten eggs, this one ingredient can always be added to every dish to make it taste better.

Be it chicken, duck or bird eggs, it must have two parts in it, namely white and yellow. People usually prefer to eat only the yolks and set aside the egg whites.

Have you ever thought about being able to boil an egg with the yolk on the outside?

It may sound strange, indeed since ancient times the name of the egg is always yellow in the middle and the egg white on the outside then wrapped in a shell. A chef in Japan has a trick to change the position of the egg white in the middle and the yolk on the outside. The secret is in socks and centrifugal force in YouTube videos. If you're tired of hard-boiled eggs that have a yellow center and a white exterior, here's a trick to change that.

As reported by the Daily Mail, Tuesday (29/12), to turn an egg yolk outside can use tools that are easily found around your home, including a pair of women's stockings and a flashlight. You can also enjoy a new style of hard-boiled eggs that have white albumen on the inside, and yolks on the outside.

The science behind all this is the secret that egg yolks are denser than egg whites. When you rotate the egg rapidly, the yolk is pulled towards the edge via the centrifuge, while the egg white is pushed towards the center.

If you turn the eggs long enough, the yolks and whites will separate, so that when you boil the egg yolks appear on the outside, while the whites are in the middle. If you don't turn it long enough, you'll get two mixtures so you end up with instant scrambled eggs.

To get started, you'll need a pair of girls stockings, duct tape, a flashlight and of course eggs.

For those of you fans of boiled eggs, now you can make a unique and different boiled egg dish from boiled eggs in general.

Here's a tutorial on how to cook eggs so that the yolks are on the outside:

To make this egg dish into a unique and unusual dish, the first thing you do is

provide raw chicken eggs, in shells.

Hold the egg close to a flashlight to check the color of the egg.

Next, you can cover the egg by using tape, it is used to keep the shell from being damaged.

Make sure the egg is wrapped with tape so that the shell is strong.

Then you can put the eggs that have been covered by tape into the stockings.


After that, you twist the stockings that already contain eggs until they move like a top, you can see how in the video. Prepare boiling water. Then boil the eggs that have been rotated in the usual way.

As a result, you will find a unique appearance where the egg is with the yolk on the outside and the white in the middle. Many people have tried this method, but the results have been mixed. Some are good results, some are not so good, let's try.

Look for Eggs with Good conditions.

  • Egg shell is not cracked
  • Egg size is not too small and not too big
  • Egg color is not pale or too dark
  • Clean from various dirt or stains
  • Eggshell texture is smooth, smooth and not rough
  • Sink in water if you put it in water it doesn't float
  • If you look through the binoculars it looks clear and the yolk is in the middle of the egg
  • The smell is normal, it doesn't smell bad
  • Normal egg oval shape is not round and not flat at all
  • Choose one that is packed well and contains omega 3
Maybe by knowing this unique way you will not get bored of eating boiled eggs, you can eat boiled eggs with different variations, not only seeing the egg whites on the outside and the yolks on the inside, but now you can make eggs with the yolk on the outside and white eggs on the inside.