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The terror attacks in Pakistan have angered Beijing


The terror attack, which has killed several Chinese engineers working in Pakistan, has angered Beijing.

Pakistani Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid said the Chinese government was furious and demanded Pakistan be held accountable.

"China is displeased with Pakistan regarding attacks on its nationals who are working on various projects under China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)," Rashid told Urdu News.

“It is very important to keep China on board because they are very sensitive. They said, 'we have invested here but in return we don't want to get bodies'. It's not over yet," he said.

Rashid acknowledged that the Chinese were angry with Pakistan after the Dasu attack last month, which killed nine Chinese engineers.

Already informed Nong Rong, China's envoy to Pakistan, of the attack, in which nine Chinese engineers and three Pakistani workers were killed in a bomb attack that plunged the bus carrying them into the Dasu river in the remote mountainous Kohistan district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

According to Rashid, Nong Rong asked him to give the defendant the maximum sentence.

To the Chinese envoy, Rashid also informed that his government has decided that the Pakistani army will directly protect 131 Chinese projects in the country, which are indirectly under CPEC.

“The safety of Chinese workers is now the first priority. They feel safe under the security of the army," he said.

Last week, another attack on a Chinese engineer working on a project at Gwadar in Balochistan occurred again.

Knowing this, China then warned Pakistan that the security situation in Islamabad was severe, and has demanded that Pakistan improve security mechanisms so that such incidents do not happen again.

Violence targeting Chinese nationals in Pakistan has spiked this year.

Militants belonging to the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) and the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and their allies have declared war on the Pakistani army and the Chinese-funded CPEC.

The militant group accuses China of exploiting Balochistan's mineral resources. They have also attacked Chinese nationals and the Chinese consulate in Karachi.

For example, in April, the TTP attacked the Serena hotel in Quetta where Nong Rong, the Chinese ambassador, was staying with his delegation.

China also recognizes that there are serious loopholes in Islamabad's efforts to protect Chinese citizens. So the country is willing to send missiles and special forces to counter threats to its investments and citizens in Pakistan.