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Here are the characteristics of stupid people who claim that they are smart


As humans, we have to socialize with many people with different characters and levels of intelligence.

Of the many people around you, not a few of them feel that they are very smart when in fact they are stupid.

From some people who are aware and some are not aware that they are stupid people who feel smart, there are actually several easy ways to recognize this kind of person.

Here are the characteristics of stupid people who feel very smart:

  • Likes to Feel Most Right
Intelligent people can see and understand things from different perspectives, so they have an open mind.

While stupid people will continue to argue and pay attention to the other person who is clearly smarter than him.

This is because stupid people have an overestimation known as the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people misjudge their knowledge or abilities in a particular area. This tends to occur due to a lack of self-awareness metacognitively to know all its shortcomings. prevent them from accurately assessing their own skills or knowledge.

It is a cognitive bias that makes a person overestimate his skills and underestimate the competence of others.

  • Ignoring the Needs and Feelings of Others 

According to research by Russell James of Texas Tech University, people with higher IQs tend to give without expecting anything in return.

This is natural because smart people have a better ability to assess the needs of others.

Unlike stupid people, they will expect something in return when giving something.

  • Aggressive When Conflict Occurs

Intelligent people can be angry, but their reactions will not be carried out excessively.

But when stupid people are in a conflict, they will react to anything that is not in their favor.

Basically, they cannot control the situation according to their will, so they tend to use anger and aggressive means.

  • Often Blaming Others for Their Mistakes.

Intelligent people will never try to pass their blame on to others.

While stupid people do not want to be responsible for their mistakes.

Therefore, they prefer to blame other people or factors when something goes wrong.

When smart people are in the same situation, they surely know that their mistakes can be used as learning material. This is because intelligent people's brains have different reactions to mistakes.

  • Feeling Better Than Others
Intelligent people always try to help and motivate others because they are not afraid of being overshadowed by others.
They have confidence and a good level of intelligence in accurately assessing their competencies.
While stupid people are more likely to feel themselves better than other people.

This is due to the characteristics of those who are always too quick to judge and are often prejudiced against something.
Of course, prejudice is not one of the qualities possessed by intelligent people.