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Stepfather molested his son who was taking a nap after coming home from school


A middle-aged man on Jl (40) a resident of Unyur Village, Serang District, Serang City, was secured by personnel from the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) of the Serang Police. He is suspected of molesting his stepdaughter who is still in junior high school (SMP).

Based on the information gathered, the immoral case committed by his stepfather occurred in August, at around 14.30 WIB. At first, Bunga (not her real name) was resting in her room after school and the house was quiet.

Secretly, JL entered the flower room. The middle-aged man then immediately groped the victim until he woke up. Instead of stopping, the perpetrator was even more desperate to pull the victim's pants.

Victims who can't fight back, can only surrender and the perpetrators freely carry out their depraved actions to have a relationship like husband and wife. After being satisfied with venting his lust, the victim was asked not to report the incident to his mother.

Feeling depressed over her stepfather's lecherous actions, Bunga, in fear, finally told her mother about the incident a few weeks later. The mother immediately reported her husband's depraved act to the Serang City Police Headquarters.

The Kasatreskrim of the Serang City Police, AKP Indra Feradinata, confirmed that the PPA Unit had arrested the perpetrator of the crime of child sexual intercourse committed by his stepfather.

"From the mother's statement, the perpetrator is her stepfather. The case occurred around November and was carried out during the day in the room while the victim was sleeping," he said.

In this case, the perpetrator will be charged with Article 81 paragraph (1) and (2) Jo 82 paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 17 of 2016 concerning the second amendment to the Republic of Indonesia Law number 23 of 2002 concerning child protection.

"We are still conducting investigations, after that we will title them. Referring to the child protection law, the suspect is threatened with 15 years in prison.