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Interesting Spanish Habits to Know

Talking about habits will never end. Various unique habits are often something that is quite interesting to discuss. Spain has a variety of unique habits in living daily life.

Even though some of the habits look strange, they are the main attraction, especially for people who want to take a trip to the country of the Matador.

Here, some Unique Habits of the Spaniards:

  • Leaving the House with Wet Hair
This one habit may be considered as something unique that is usually done by the Spaniards. If in general, people will dry their hair first before going out of the house, in contrast to the Spaniards. They are used to going out with their hair still wet.

This habit is not only done by children, but also by adults. Spaniards are known to often wash their hair or shampoo in the morning before doing activities such as work or going to school. Although considered funny, but in Spain it is commonplace to do.

  • Run with the Bulls

Spain is one country that has a variety of uniqueness. In addition to having an enchanting tourist spot. Spain also has many interesting traditions and customs. One of them is the El Encierro festival, which is the tradition of running from a large bull that was deliberately released into the city streets.

Although it looks quite extreme, but many people are enthusiastic about participating in the event. The activity of releasing the bull itself is usually carried out in villages and cities during the festival. So, don't be surprised if then many people get injured as a result of being hit by a bull in the event.
  • Habit of Peeling Fruit
Another unique habit that we can find in a country with a constitutional monarchy system of government is when peeling fruit. Spanish people are known to often peel various kinds of fruit before eating them. The same goes for fruits like apples, peaches, pears, and grapes.

This habit is inseparable from the story of the past, where at that time in Spain it was difficult to get clean water supplies. As a way out to overcome this, people in rural Spain must first peel various types of fruit before eating.

This is done to remove dirt or pesticide residues that may still be attached to the fruit skin. This unique habit is known to still be done, even today.
  • Tomato Throwing Tradition
One other habit that is quite famous in Spain is the tradition of throwing tomatoes or what is known as La Tomatina. The tradition of throwing tomatoes is usually done during the Bunol festival which is usually held in the Valencia region once a year. The activity itself is usually held at the end of August on a Wednesday.

The festival is usually attended by many people, including foreign tourists who want to participate in throwing tomatoes at each other. The tomatoes used alone are usually leftover tomatoes that are too ripe and cannot be used.

In addition to throwing tomatoes at each other, the festival also presents various entertainment shows that are quite deadly for a week. Ranging from costume parades, musical performances, dances, and fireworks festivals.
  • Freezing Bread

Another unique habit that is also commonly done by the Spanish people is to freeze the bread that has been purchased the day before. This habit is carried out by most of the Spanish people. This is done to maintain the quality of the bread and make it more durable and long lasting.

As we know that bread that has good quality is much easier to spoil and expire. Freezing your own bread is a pretty good way to preserve its texture and taste. This can slow down the bread staling process or physico-chemical changes that cause the bread to change shape, color, and taste.
  • Siesta's Napping Habit
It is common for everyone to take a nap, even in Indonesia, this habit is often done. Although at first glance these habits look the same, but this Spanish-style nap is a little different. They themselves call this habit by the term Siesta, which is a traditional nap that is usually done by the Spanish people.

Siesta itself means the sixth hour. Siesta is carried out for three hours, namely at the sixth hour or 12 noon. At that time the Spanish people used to use it for lunch, family gatherings, or naps. This is done to restore the spirit of work and also maximize the brain while working.
  • Jumping Baby

This Spanish habit can certainly make every parent, especially non-Spanish, feel anxious or horrified by a special ritual called “El Colacho” or “baby jumping festival.” This tradition is known to have existed since 1620. The community itself considers the ritual an important part of baptism in the church.

The process itself is usually done by a man wearing a unique red and yellow costume. The man is known to be jumping over a baby under one year old lying in a row on the floor. After successfully jumping, the parents will sprinkle roses on the babies and carry them.