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This Tattooed MMA fighter knocks out his opponent in just 7 seconds

PERMATA POSTS Kind, ROMA - The tattooed Italian MMA fighter, Walter Pugliesi, knocked out his opponent in just seven seconds.

Pugliesi, nicknamed the Kraken, defeated Konstantin Linnik in the early seconds of the fight for The Golden Cage 4.

Pugliesi's knee landed right on the left side of Linnik's skull, sending him crashing and the referee ended the match after Pugliesi's thumping blow.

Russian Today on Sunday (5/12/2021) reported that Pugliesi only needed seven seconds to knock out Linnik.

That result saw Pugliesi come back from defeat in his last game against Konrad Dyrschka more than a year ago.

This victory also allowed Pugliesi to continue his MMA career again, after falling into the world of drug trafficking.

It was something he said could easily snatch away his freedom, if not his life.

"It started with smoking weed with my friends, but it just got worse. I started robbing and stealing from other teenagers."

"At the age of 15 I was arrested for the first time, along with one of my best friends. He died a few years later in Brazil, of an overdose," he said last year.

"I spent two years and three months in rehab. I used to cause a lot of trouble, so they transferred me from one center to another. The third (rehab center) is hell. There are adults too, there. Addicts and criminals of any kind. I don't can trust anyone."

Pugliesi said MMA saved his life but it was not an easy path. Even after he got out of his own addiction, other problems still existed.

Judging by some of the online reactions to Pugliesi's latest appearance on Saturday night (4/12/2021), fans are happy that he's been able to put his problems behind him and show off his skills in the ring.

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