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Luxurious Palaces of the King of Saudi Arabia, Full of Gold Decorations and Beautiful Mosaics


RIYADH - The royal family of Saudi Arabia is the richest kingdom in the world. The Saud family led by King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud has a wealth of up to $1.5 trillion.

Launching The Richest, the wealth is obtained from oil production in Saudi Arabia. The royal family controls the state-owned giant oil company Saudi Aramco.

With its wealth, the Saud family had a series of magnificent palaces. It is known, King Salman has at least four magnificent and luxurious palaces.

1. Murabba Istana Palace

The first palace is the palace of Murabba. Murabba Palace has 32 rooms and 7 courtyards.Currently the Murabba Palace is a historical building and is not functioned as the king's residence, because the king chose to live in another luxurious palace.

2. Al Yamama Istana Palace

The second palace owned by King Salman is Al Yamama which has 400 rooms.
The architecture and area of this palace is more amazing than the Murabba Palace.

3. Riyadh Palace

There is also the Riyadh Palace which is the royal headquarters.

The Riyadh Palace has rooms with beautiful chandeliers and gold décor, plus marble floors.

4. Erga Palace

Erga Palace is known for its mosaic floors. The appearance of the mosaic also adorns the ceiling of the palace and its walls.Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is not inferior to his father. Mohammad bin Salman also owns a $300 million palace in France. The palace is said to be one of the most expensive residences in the world. Featuring a French architectural style with a modern twist, the palace is equipped with a tennis court.