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Interesting Facts about the Japanese Yakuza Group

The Yakuza group is known as one of the most dangerous mafia organizations in the world. No wonder its existence always attracts special attention in a number of areas, especially in Japan. In fact, this mafia also has a very striking difference from a number of other world gangsters.

Here are some interesting facts about "Yakuza";

  • Yakuza Legal in Japan
Unlike a number of other world gangster organizations such as Bratva, Camorra or Los Zetas, the Yakuza are not known as criminals in Japan. This Japanese mafia organization is also known to have its own official office, business card, and fan magazine. The police also have their own rules for Yakuza members.
  • Known through tattoos

For Yakuza, tattoos are used to get to know members, describe commitment and show off their wealth. The reason is, special tattoos for Yakuza are done through a very painful process which is popularly known as Irezumi or tattoos using wood and needles. Meanwhile, the more tattoos in the form of dragons, katana or koi fish, the more prosperous and important the Yakuza members are.
  • Entrance exam test
Not all Yakuza in Japan can take their new members for granted. A Yakuza organization, the Yamaguchi-Gumi which is reported to have around 10,000 members, regularly holds a membership entrance exam to test its candidates' knowledge of the organization's regulations. The candidate member must be able to answer well the exam which consists of 12 pages.
  • Punishment by amputation
Known to have a reputation for cruelty, every Yakuza must also be held accountable for his behavior. One form of punishment for serious violations is Yubitsume. The member who made a mistake had to cut his own finger without anyone's help using a knife and cloth. After that, the finger will be inserted into a bottle containing alcohol and given to his boss as a form of apology.
  • Earn money by extorting companies
If a number of mafia organizations get wealth through drug trafficking, prostitution to fraud, the Yakuza have one additional income, namely by extortion. This Japanese mafia organization becomes one of the majority shareholders in an elite Japanese company and then finds out the bad things about the company. Then, use it to blackmail leaders to companies in order to give the money to the Yakuza.
  • And Has meaning 983
The term Yakuza in Japanese means the number nine-eight-three. This figure is taken from a card gambling game called Oichi Kabu. No wonder many people suspect that this organization was first founded by gamblers. Before World War II, the Yakuza had members who tended to be small. However, once WWII ended, the Yakuza continued to experience an increase in the number of members and status due to the large number of war veterans who tended to like violence.