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Factory Workers Rape Elementary School Boys Until 2 Months Pregnant


Mojokerto - MA (55) was arrested by the police for raping a 6th grader child until the victim was two months pregnant. This plywood factory worker gave the victim Rp 100-200 thousand so that the 12 year old girl was willing to have sex.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Jombang Police, AKP Teguh Setiawan, said the immoral act was carried out by the Supreme Court from April to June 2021 or since the victim was still in the 6th grade of elementary school. This plywood factory worker from Mojowarno District, Jombang admitted to having sex with the victim three times.

"The victim is currently two months pregnant. The modus operandi is that the suspect seduces the victim by giving him Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000

As a result of his actions, MA had to languish in the Jombang Police Rutan. The suspect was arrested at his home on Wednesday (14/7) afternoon. The plywood factory worker was charged with Article 81 of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 17 of 2016 concerning Child Protection.

"Last Wednesday, the police handed over this case to us. We immediately examined the perpetrators in a marathon. Wednesday night we named them a suspect and we detained them," explained Teguh.

The village official where MA lives, AR, said that the suspect still has a wife.

"The perpetrator confessed to doing that to the victim three times. First in an empty house, second and third in the perpetrator's house when his wife was not around," he said.

According to AR, the rape committed by MA was exposed because the victim complained that she was not feeling well. His parents also took the 12-year-old boy to the sub-health center for treatment. At that time, the puskesmas officers suspected that the victim had two bodies.

"Her parents bought a pregnancy test. The victim was tested positive twice. Only then did the victim admit to having sex with the perpetrator. Then the victim's father complained to us," he explained.

The victim is currently in the 1st grade of junior high school. "The condition of the victim is normal because he doesn't understand. His health is also good," said AR.

Teguh said the reason the perpetrator raped the victim was because his wife did not ration it. In the end, the perpetrator's desire was released to the victim.

"The suspect confessed that he was often not given a share by his wife. In the end, it was given to the victim," said Teguh.